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Our mission is to improve society by humanizing relations in every facet of communal environments.

Our primary mission is to create a better future for at-risk youth by offering youth and their families 


"Life Strategies" on how to overcome "Life's Struggles".  

The Visions


To build “self-made” characters in the people we serve.


To Make a difference in the people we serve.


To Make a difference in the relations of the people we serve


Why THE Visions?

Dr. Christine Li’Chele’ Moore, Ph.D, developed a "Student Development Program" that is strategically designed to eliminate or reduce the rapid rate of teens "Dropping-Out" of high school so that they can and continue on with their current and secondary education. Dr. Moore was led to designed and implement her program in response to pleading calls and emails for help from “At-Risk” Youths (residing in blended/stepfamily households), Single Moms, Care Givers, Guidance Counselors, and school educators who were concerned about the success of their own children and students in their classrooms. Dr. Moore notes that "all need to understand self so that they can show up better in their facets of life; and we can not guide our youth until we truly understand why we are and how/when we became who we are. Good behavioral health and emotional intelligence will improve society for all."


Behavior/relations matter in all facets of life!

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